Chapter 4: Interim Resolution
Angel sat in the sofa chairs of the hotel room waiting for Markus' arrival. She was starting to become impatient when he texted her saying that he was stuck in traffic. Angel decided to get up from her seat and began to sketch out something on a piece of paper. Trying to remember what happened in the visions from so long ago proved to be a difficult task. As she was about to finish the long-winded sketch, a knock was heard at the door.
"Hey Markus, you're finally here."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Traffic y'know?"
Angel motioned for Markus to see the drawing she had done. Markus stared at it intently and responded, "Yeah, that's exactly what I saw. Except that the countdown there was different." Markus wrote down what the last time his vision told him was. Angel stared at it for a few seconds before connecting something. "Markus, do you remember exactly when you had that vision? It's important," she said. Markus thought for a second before writing the date of a few days prior. Angel realized that it was a countdown to a specific time, except formatted in a strange way. After some simple arithmetic, it came out to be a very large and arbitrary-looking number. "Ugh! What does this mean!? It's just random!" Angel yelled, frustrated. Markus began to pull out his phone and quickly punched the number into it.
"Did you figure something out?"
"Yep. Now if i'm not mistaken, this is a number in milliseconds. Converting it to days makes it 5726 days, the exact amount of days between our last convoquers."
"Holy hell, that's amazing. So if you put the number you last saw in it and added it to the time, what do you get?"
Markus was rapidly inputting the numbers until he stopped suddenly. Angel looked at him, trying to get him to snap out of it. Markus turned the phone around to her and read out the result: "January 19, 2019 at 1:14 pm. If these convoquers tell the future, then something terrible is coming."
As Angel was beginning to formulate a theory, Markus collapsed on the ground and began to freak out. She rushed to his side and brought him to the couch chair. Angel ran to get some water as Markus was getting out of the vision. "What did you see?" she asked, bringing him the water.
"This time it was different from the others. I was standing in the parking lot looking at the observatory, except the observatory wasn't there. I walked over to the empty desert and began digging to find the dreamcatcher. Once I grabbed it and threw it out of the pit, it ended."
Angel stood up watching Markus drinking his water. She walked over to the counter and tossed Markus' keys to him. "Let's go dig that thing up. Maybe that should fix everything and prevent whatever's gonna happen."
"I'm gonna say this now, maybe we shouldn't do this at midnight," Markus said.
"It's literally about to be and you're only now just saying that?"
"Yeaah, now that I say that aloud I sound stupid."
"Anyway, let's just go and get this over with."
Angel got out of the car and began walking over. Mark followed suit and caught up with her. To Markus' surprise, the front doors were unlocked. Angel stepped into the building and walked through the dark and quiet hall. She turned around to face Markus.
"Come on, Mark! Show me where it is," she said. Markus began to walk toward the security room with Angel following shortly behind. They walked into the room together and turned on the lights. Markus grabbed the shovel from Angel and slammed it into the spot over the dreamcatcher.
Markus went at the hole for about 10 minutes before finally reaching the dreamcatcher. Angel jumped into the hole and retrieved it before the ground began shaking.
"Did you hit a pipe or something??"
"I don't think so! The ground was soft the entire time!"
Seismic sensors in the west of Fazia began to pick up the major disruption in the earth. It doesn't just affect Fazia though. Alarms went off all over the Atlantic as the shaking was detected across a dozen countries. The shaking continued to spread around the entire world until it reached Japan and Alaska. The shaking lasted for less than a minute and left everyone confused. Markus and Angel stared at each other in utter panic. They got up and ran back to the car before zooming off to the pizzeria.
The two of them finally arrived and jumped out of the car. They dashed into the building, noticing its cracked facade due to the quake. To their surprise, Fred was standing in the middle of the dining room. Markus was the first to pipe up.
"Wha-? Fred? What are you doing here?"
"Huh? Oh hey guys. I'm just picking up. That was a killer quake, wasn't it?"
Angel stepped forward and spoke, "I believe we caused it. We went to the observatory and recovered something I placed there years ago. As soon as I did, everything shook."
Fred stood there staring at them strangely. His phone began to ring and he picked up. His look of confusion turned to fear as he put down the phone and reached for the TV remote. He switched it on and changed the channel.
"Good evening everybody, this is channel 6 news reporting to you live from Miami, Florida."
Markus and Angel walked over as Fred sat down on the couch.
"I'm here in Miami Beach with Mr. Garcia here, who was out on a walk when the quake struck. Tell us sir, what went through your head at that moment?"
Markus sat down next to Fred and motioned Angel to sit whilst they all stared at the bright screen.
"Well, if I were to be fully honest I felt as if I was gonna die! You never see any earthquakes like that in this area, so it scared me half to death. I was also just eating shit so when it did hit I fell over onto the ground and just stayed there fearing the world was ending."
Fred began to start changing the channels to different news stations from around the world, getting more and more worried as he browsed. Angel and Markus looked over to him as he shut off the TV. He turned his head towards them and nervously said, "What the hell have you done?"
"I'll take this one please, thank you," he said as he picked out a cake. As the cashier scanned the barcode she looked up at him and talked, "You're lucky. This was the last cake of this kind that we were able to get. Ever since the quake, supply lines have been backed up."
"Oh wow. That's crazy. When do you think they'll go back to normal?" he replied.
She continued to scan the man's groceries. "Maybe by summer. We'll have to see." She scanned and bagged the last item before the man grabbed the bags.
"Have a nice day, sir!
"You too."
The man got in his car and drove. He scratched his ears as he made his way to the pizzeria. Fred walked outside and saw the car pull in. "Hey Markus! Glad to see you again!"
"Oh hey Fred. How's you?"
"Ah, I've just been redoing some stuff inside. Woah. That's a nice looking cake. What's the occasion?"
"You don't remember? It's March 20th."
As Markus finished his sentence, Taylor burst out of the front doors and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARKUS!!!" She came out so quickly and loudly that she spooked the two of them. The three of them started laughing as Angel stepped out.
"Oh hey! Angel, I didn't think you'd be here!"
"Why wouldn't I be? Today's your day."
Markus smiled and walked inside with the others. Angel grabbed Markus before he would walk in and asked him: "So, update me. Has anything happened with the convoquers?" Markus shook his head saying "Nope!
They've been gone since the quake. I think we really solved this problem for good!" The two of them hugged and happily laughed before going inside.Bruno happened to be inside as they walked in, and Markus ran over and greeted him. Bruno happily said to him "Hey Marky! It's been a while. I don't know what you did but those visions are gone!" he got up on a table and announced to everyone, "Attention everyone! Today is a special day where we celebrate the life of Markus, and how he saved the world! Hurrah to Markus!"
"Hurrah to Markus!" the rest of them said in unison. Markus smiled and shed a tear of joy before partying hard with his best friends.