Chapter 3: Dreamcatcher

The rubber covers of the plane's wheels skidded onto the runway in Heathrow as the cool air blew through the airport. Angel disembarked the plane and went on her way to the address given to them by Fred. As she knocked on the door, Fred opened the door.

"Okay Fred, I came all the way around the world to be here. I dont wanna be here for nothing," she said as she walked in. As she entered the living room everyone turned their heads to look at Angel. Markus' face lit up when he saw her standing in the doorway. He got up and ran to give her a hug. "Oh, Angel! How long has it been?" Markus yelled. "12 years I'd say? Yep, sounds about right."

"So, who is she?" Jay piped in, motioning to Angel.

"I'm an old friend of Fred and Markus. Fred actually called me over from Leinefron to check out Markus."

Markus began to describe what he saw that night as he and Angel sat down on the couch.

"It's recurred at random times ever since the incident happened. There's no pattern, it just decides to come and go at will. Whenever it does happen, I wake up in an empty hall, reminiscent of the halls in the pizzeria. There's always clocks of different sorts, counting down to something. When I walk down the hall, I see the observatory. After a few seconds of looking at it, it explodes. and disintegrates..."

Angel darted her eyes toward Fred when Markus finished. She nodded her head at him. Markus looked over to Fred and saw the nervous expression on his face. Angel turned back around to look at Marcus.

"This is terrifying to say for me, but I'm afraid what you have is what we call a 'convoquer'. It's a French word that means 'summon'. Essentially, it's a vision that doesn't stop bothering you until you complete a task."

"What task is this asking me to do?"

"I'm not sure. Usually in the convoquers there's different objects that can point you to what it wants you to do."

"I know that my friend, Bruno, also gets these visions. He was in the same room as me when it happened. For him they're different, but we're gonna meet up in a few days to try and figure it out."

Sofia, seemingly minding her own business, turned her head towards Angel and asked, "Angel, how come you know so much about this? I haven't heard of any visions like this happening ever."

Angel seemed to shudder before looking up at her. "Well, to put it simply this has happened before. It just didn't get any attention 15 years ago, me and a few other friends from high school had it happen to us. We don't know exactly why it happened, but it faded out from us over the years." They paused as Sofia began to seem confused. "Well, the only thing I suggest to rid him of it is either obeying them, or using a dreamcatcher for a period of time."

"A dreamcatcher?" Markus uttered, "Why?"

"Essentially, it slowly removes the visions over the course of a few years. If you choose to obey the convoquer, there's a high chance you won't make it out. Now, I must leave for Fazia, since I'm gonna relax there for a few weeks. See you guys there!"

Angel left the home and left everyone confused. They all turned to look at Fred to see that he, himself, was confused.

The plane flight back to Fazia was just as silent as the house was when Angel left. Markus stared out at the navy blue Atlantic, worrying about what he'll do. He looked over at the others to see most of them had fallen asleep. Markus' phone chimed as Marc texted him:

Wyvern - 2017/01/05 01:47
Marc: how did things go with angel

Markus stared at the screen not knowing if he wanted to respond. He took a deep breath in before he began typing.

Wyvern Chat: Marc Edwards, Markus Darwin
January 5, 2017 - 01:47 BST

Marc: how did things go with angel

You: She didn't really tell me much
You: Mostly just what this is and how to fix it

Marc: but thats good isnt it

You: I guess?
You: Hmm...
You: What do you know about her experience? - 01:48

Marc: the visions?
Marc: oof yeah i remember that
Marc: it was the talk of the school

You: Get to the point.

Marc: chill out lol
Marc: anyway it was terrifying for everyone
Marc: she had to miss a month of school until
she figured out how to deal with it

01:49 - Marc: if you want i can try to dig up the old chats
we had from when she was out

You: Yes. I'd appreciate that.

Marc: alrighty then
Marc: meet me tomorrow afternoon and ill
get you them if i find it

You: Will do.

*     *     *

Markus disembarked from the plane and started scratching his head. As he walked through the concourse he began to message Marc again. He was surprised to know that Marc was still awake at 3 am. Apparently, Marc had been digging through his old computers to try and find the chats the whole time. The two of them agreed to meet at Marc's house in an hour.

"Heyoooo Markus!!!" Marc yelled as Markus walked in. They gave each other a hug before Marc motioned to him to follow. They walked into his room and Marc booted up an ancient looking computer. They watched the screen as the XP startup theme played and booted to the desktop. Marc grabbed the mouse and began opening up AIM.

"Wow, so you did find the chats?"

"Yeah. I found a way to backup chats on the AIM a long time ago."

"How the hell does the hard drive still work?"

"Well I only used this computer for a year before going for a laptop. I kept backups of the drive but I still wanted to make the original files last."

As Marc finished his sentence, AIM finished beeping and opened up to the latest chat. Marc navigated his way to his chats with Angel and scrolled all the way back to 2001. After a few minutes of scrolling he finally stopped and got up.

"Well, here ya go. Please only look through March to May, that's all you need. I'm gonna go shower," he said as he left. Markus turned back to the screen and began to read through the chat. After a few minutes he found what he was looking for.

AOL Instant Messenger Chat
Friday, April 27, 2001 - 3:42 PM WKDT


: marc?


: hey


: how are you doing today


: still the same


: i think i know how to fix this


: really? how


: im gonna follow it


: it tells me to go to olisdale


: why olisdale


: the new observatory there


: i keep seeing it


: i must go

Markus stopped reading all of a sudden. He looked at the screen and scratched his head thinking, "How did she know about the observatory? It was built a year after this..." He read further in the chats to find out that Angel went to the site where the observatory was to be built. Angel was instructed by her visions to bury a dreamcatcher at the site and then return home. At that moment Marc came back and saw Markus lost in deep thought.

"A dreamcatcher," Markus said firmly

"Huh? Oh yeah, I thought that was weird too. One of her friends that had the visions used one above her bed and supposedly it worked."

Markus stared at the screen for a few seconds longer before slowly getting up. He told Marc that he was gonna go and figure something out. They said goodbye before Markus walked out.

*     *     *

Taylor set down a device in front of Nancy with a loud slam. Nancy looked up and Taylor and asked,

"The hell is this?"

"It's an x-ray thingy!"

"Wha- Where did you even find that?"

"Outside somewhere"


Taylor picked up the device and began to use it on the ground. She saw lots of metallic objects hidden underneath the tiles of the pizzeria and began to marvel at the sight. Markus came into the room greeted by the sign of Taylor playing with this gun-shaped device with a screen. Taylor looked at him and began to show him the x-ray gun.

"Hey, uh, do you think I can borrow this for a bit? I might need it for something"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure! Take it!"

Markus acquired the x-ray gun and bid goodbye to the girls. He went on his way to the observatory to investigate with the gun. Once he arrived at the observatory, he began to fire the gun at the ground to search for the dreamcatcher. He walked around nearly the entire observatory until he made it to the room he was in when the alarms went off all those months ago. As he pointed the gun at the room, he saw it. The dreamcatcher was buried a few feet under the exact spot Markus had been sitting when the alarms went off. Markus pulled out his phone and immediately dialed Angel.


"Hey Angel. So uhm, I found your dreamcatcher."

"What dreamcatcher?"

"The one you buried in the ground 15 years ago. It's underneath the observatory, right where I was sitting when the incident happened."

"How did you even find that out? You didn't know about it back then so why would you now?"

"Marc showed me your old chats with him. What can you explain to me?"

"Ugh Marc.. Whatever. Anyway, the visions told me that burying that dreamcatcher would get rid of what I was seeing. So I did it and it worked. I told one of my friends that was getting them too but all she did was put it above her bed."

"What did you see in the dreams?"

"Clocks. Many clocks. Digital, analog, you name it. Analog clocks were all stuck on a specific time that I don't remember. Digital clocks had a countdown. I would see them in the hallways just like how you said. When the hall ended I saw the observatory explode."

"How did you know about the observatory? It wasn't built until the end of 2002."

"I don't know! It was just there!"

"and one more thing: was the time on the analogs 1:14?"

"u- uh... yeah... I think so... Okay, y- you're lucky I'm still here in Fazia. I'm at the Marriott in the center of Lorad, room 1510. Get here as soon as possible."

"On it," he said with a slam of his phone.

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