Chapter 9: Rendezvous

It had been over a year since they escaped the island, and have since been trying to live as normal as possible in a new country. Once they met up with Taylor's parents in France, the two of them were brought to the United States, where Taylor's parents lived. In the US, Thomas never went outside, as he feared the attention that came from being a survivor of the meteor impact. Taylor thought he was just overreacting and tried her best to live a normal life, unlike him.

Thomas would spend nearly every day on the computer trying to find any trace of Markus on the internet in order to contact him. Just like Markus had lost hope months prior, Thomas began to as well. Taylor and her parents saw the utter disappointment in his face when all his hope had vanished. Every month would pass with no news of his location, but Thomas eventually had to accept that fact. Eventually, an email appeared in Taylor's and Thomas' inboxes.


To:, Bc:
Monday, May 25, 2020 4:17 PM
Patricia Strella (
Subject: Fazia Rendezvous
Good afternoon, I hope this email finds you well.
If I've gotten your emails correct, you two must be Taylor Curnow and Thomas Edwards. A friend of mine, Markus Darwin, told me about his former friends that he believed had died in the meteor impact. Luckily for him, I found you two still alive. My name is Patricia Strella and I'd like to invite you to a get-together in Anerith tomorrow. A private jet has already been assigned to you and will depart the JFK airport at 8 pm tonight. Hope to see you two there!

Patricia Strella

Thomas began to cheer loudly knowing that his friend was alive, startling Taylor and her parents. Taylor hadn't had the chance to read that part of the email yet, but she already assumed what the news was based on his reaction. Tom quickly packed what he needed and encouraged Taylor to do so too. She packed up and left with Tom to the airport.

*     *     *

Markus and Patricia sat in the terminal waiting. Markus stared at the TV showing when the plane would arrive. "So, who are these people we're waiting for?" He asked.

"Some pretty special people I'd say."

"Special enough to bring me?"


The employees in the area began to scatter around as the plane arrived at the terminal. Patricia stood up and ushered Markus to follow. Passengers began flooding the seating area while Patricia began to get a bit excited. Finally, Taylor and Thomas disembarked. Markus' face lit up, and he quickly ran to them and grabbed onto them. The three of them began crying as they all grabbed each other. Patricia stood nearby, watching their action unfold, and shed a tear.

Through all the tragedy they've gone through the past year and a half, Markus, Thomas, and Taylor are happy knowing there's always a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

They let go of one another and caught up with what each of them have done since they last saw each other. In the midst of their conversation, a bright purple burst of energy shot out and illuminated the midnight sky in the distance. Markus froze with sheer panic. "Oh no."

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